Monday, April 23, 2007

Greetings from the Couch!

Hey dawgs! Frecks here.

Wow. It's been a long time since daddy let me have some computer time. He's ALWAYS in here. at my new doghouse is freakin GREAT! I run the show now. I'm teaching mommy and daddy how to take care of me the way I want to be taken care of.

I hate it when mommy or daddy leave - even for a second. I scream and cry. I like to look out the window in daddy's office because I can see when people are coming and going. Daddy shuts the door to his office when he leaves because he's afraid I'm going to chew on wires. I don't know what those are yet, but I don't think I like em anyway. Well....yesterday I figured out if I put my front paws on the office door and bounce, I can open the doors! HA! That'll show him! I run this place.

They're tryin to teach me what I can and can't chew on. I love pillows! Those are the biggest, cushiest chew toys in the world! I love to rip em open and take all that fun stuffing out. There used to be two pillows on the chair. NOT ANY MORE! HA! Daddy left the door open to the extra bedroom one day. He got in trouble! I got me two more pillows! I kinda got the comforter, but mommy closed up the little hole with some string or somethin. I'll get in there again and figure that one out.

Since they don't seem to like me chewing on pillows, daddy gets me a new toy just about every day. I love my little tennis balls and we play chase in the back yard. I'm so much faster than daddy. It's funny to watch him try to catch me. Yesterday, they came home with a new best friend. It's called a Loofa Dog. It squeaks on both ends! I love to carry it around. Eventually, I'll get to those squeakers inside....I like to rip these things open.

I've been sleeping on a blanket on the floor for a long long time. But, the other day I decided to give some other places a try. The couch....but mommy and daddy don't like me on there...especially when they're eating......the chair....that was fun when it had the I just play there mostly......Then I found it. My throne - the cushy recliner. It's my favorite place. I slept with mommy and daddy a few nights, but they snore. I can snuggle up on this chair and nobody bothers me. It's super comfy.

I went to the vet last week and got to play with a few other dogs and a thing called a cat. I kinda liked the cat. He played with me and wasn't scared of me at all. The other dogs told me that if I tried to hurt it, the cat would pull out his real sharp claws and cut me. I don't want any of THAT action. So we just sniffed a little butt and parted ways. I don't have heartworms, which daddy says is good. They got me some medicine so I won't ever get them, which is good because it taste like beef jerkey!

Daddy and I work on my "Sit" and "Down" every night. I'm getting pretty good. I still can't listen when I get excited. They get that leash and I just can't wait to go 'splorin! Everybody in the neighborhood knows me. Mommy and daddy talk to much.....I wanna go find bugs and grass and stuff to eat. We started working on a thing called "Up" last week. I'll do anything for one of those treats, and evidentally "Up" means I'm supposed to stand on my back legs. But, I like to jump instead. It gets me higher to the treat. Stupid daddy. He hasn't figured that out yet.

Well.....that's all for now. I've got to go take a six hour nap now so when Momma gets home, I can play my favorite game - "Gonna Lick your FACE!"

Frecks OUT!


Parkie said...

Freckles you are a very pretty dog!

Julianna said...

yay!!!! thanks for the update, freckles :) loofah dog looks like a really good friend!

Just Me said...

You are too cute Freckles....Love your stories.

tigger said...

How fun!! Freckles you are TOO cute!