Saturday, March 31, 2007

I feel like a new dog!

What a day I'm having! I woke up this morning and mom and dad told me they were going to get me a new bed. I don't know that I want a new bed....I like mommy and daddy's. But I guess they can get me one to keep my toys in. I likie toys. We went to a place called PetCo. It wasn't as fun as the PetsMart the night I met my daddy, but I guess it'll do. Before we went in, mommy went to make me an appointment with a lady called a "groomer." Next thing I know, I'm being arrested and booked in puppy jail! I didn't like that. Mommy and daddy promised to bail me out.

Then, some strange lady came and got me. I tried to fight her a little bit, but I'm such a lil thing, I knew she was gonna get me. They put me on a table and next thing I know, I look like THIS:

I gots a haircut! I didn't know I had that much hair. Now I got more legs than I do body! The good thing was afterwards, we got to walk through the store and pick out some new stuff. I got a Kong toy and some treats (I really really like those) and a new collar. I didn't really like their beds (neither did mommy or daddy) so we'll wait on that one.

The best thing about my new name and my new haircut is now you can see freckles all over my back and face! I'm a Freckle girl all over! I never knew that before. I think I'll sleep the rest of the day. THAT was very tiresome.

Check you dawgs later! Frecks OUT!


cherig said...

Love the video! She's a runner for sure!

Parkie said...


Everlasting Monday said...

Freckleface, You look beautiful with your new hair!!!